First Day on Rome Priests For Life, Ave Maria Radio and Steve Ray Pilgrimage

The plane arrived only 30 minutes late which was not bad at all. No luggage lost and quickly through passport control and customs. Our friends the Petersons missed a connection but will join us tomorrow.

The weather is great! Rome is full of exciting pilgrims here to see our new Pope Francis. Today we got everyone to our hotels and got settled in before going to Mass at Santa Prassede. This is an ancient church built over an early home church and later a tomb of martyrs.

We had a quick introductory tour of ancient Rome and back to the hotel for our welcome dinner. The second video is part of intro’s by Fr. Pavone, Teresa Tomeo, Janet Morana and Steve Ray (but I didn’t video myself 🙂

Tomorrow is a full day starting with the General Audience with Pope Francis in St. Peter’s Square.

The first video is of our first day, the second video shares some introductory comments and such and soon I will have an audio clip of Fr. Pavone’s first and very powerful homily to start the pilgrimage.

Father Pavone’s Powerful Homily HERE: Pavone 6-11.

Rome Day 1, Part 2: The Day

Rome Day 1, Part 2: Opening Comments During Dinner (and Sean and Emily’s Engagement Blessed)
