Another great day. Lots going on in Jerusalem as they celebrated the unification of Jerusalem. So we revised our itinerary and it worked great!

We started with Mass at Gethsemane. Do you know why Jesus was arrested in a garden, crucified and buried also in a garden?

We then prayed at the Pater Noster Church at the top of the Mount of Olives where Jesus taught his disciples to pray and from which he ascended into heaven.

Then the Dormition Abbey where Mary fell asleep, the Upper Room, the Church of Peter in Gallicantu (cock crow) where Peter denied Jesus and where Jesus was imprisoned over Holy Thursday. Then lunch at a Jewish kibbutz – great lunch!

We even ended up with free time in the afternoon which some enjoyed by visiting Bethany, others walking into the Old City and others resting and talking on the patio of the hotel overlooking Jerusalem. I think a few even took a nap 🙂

Here is Robyn Lee’s Catholic Digest report.
