Join our Evangelical Brethren to Oppose Media Bias against Christ!

Please help us stand up for Christ NOW!  Miracle Theater launches "Million Voices For Christ" Petition! 

Dear Friends in Christ,
You may have heard recent anti-Christian comments made by Kathy Griffin while accepting an Emmy award. We, as Christian entertainers, do not take it lightly that the name of our Lord and Savior has been mocked, and in response, we took out an ad in USA Today to stand up for Him. The ad ran on Monday, September 17, 2007 on Page 10A. 

We are the actors, singers, dancers, crew and managers of The Miracle Theater in Pigeon Forge, Tennessee. We are proud to stand on stage every night and use our God-given talents to portray the life and the love of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. We, along with thousands of other Christians in the entertainment industry, know our talents do come from God, and we take offense when His name is battered and bruised by people through the media.

Over 2,000 years ago, Jesus was mocked and few stood up for Him. We at The Miracle Theater consider it an honor to stand for Jesus today. Our attempt is not to throw stones at Ms. Griffin, or anyone else. It is every American's God given right to worship freely and to speak freely. We believe, however, that as Christians, we should not accept her mockery of our Lord quietly! What is shocking to us is how people tend to respond to comments like this about Jesus Christ.

It made our heart sick to see people in the audience at the Emmy's laughing at Griffin's remarks. It is our Christian duty to make a stand.  The idea for the "Million Voices for Christ" petition came about after many people saw the ad and called to thank us. It seemed that many were looking for a way to speak out on the matter. If we together stand up and say, "Enough is Enough!" we can show the media that there are MILLIONS OF US that love our Lord! With a million signatures, together, we can remind Hollywood that this country was founded on the principles of God's Holy Word. Help us show the media how much this has hurt the Christian community and others as well!

 STAND WITH US – SIGN THE PETITION! CLICK HERE!  Please make your church family aware of this. Forward this to your friends, your co-workers, all of your email contacts, your government officials – everyone . Help us fuel the fire for our Lord! For those of your friends who do not have access to the web, please have them call 1-800-768-1170 to be added to the petition. We ask for your prayers as together, we stand for our Lord. Thank you for your support!

 Miracle Theater, 2046 Parkway, Pigeon Forge, TN 37863 1-800-768-1170, The mission of The Miracle Theater is to present faith-based family entertainment through live theatrical productions revealing the person of Jesus Christ as The Living Word of God.
