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Have you noticed how many Catholic conferences have sprung up all over the country in the last ten years? This is a move of the Spirit using Catholic lay people who want to spread and share the faith. They don't just sit around moaning about the problems, they DO something about it!

Fr. Simon, Colleen Pasnik, Teresa Tomeo, Ruth Becker, and Steve Ray.

Ruth Becker and Colleen Pasnik are good examples of this phenomenon. They put together a marvelous conference entitled Springtime of Hope. I think this was their 3rd year. Great folks volunteered to help and the conference was very well organized and attended. The conference drew about 250 very zealous and excited Catholics. It was great to spend the day with them. I gave three talks: My Conversion Story, Peter, the Rock, the Keys & the Chair, and Defending the Eucharist. Teresa Tomeo spoke on the media.

We had a rough time getting home having to get up at 4 AM and then at the layover in Chicago having to switch to a third gate after the first American Airlines plane had problems and then the second plane would not start. Teresa and I were glad to finally get home.
