Update Sunday, 8/19/07: My Defense and Explanation of the Assumption and Queenship of Mary is coming along nicely. It is currently at 24 pages since I wanted to be thorough. That is why I object to people demanding an answer "right now! At first I was going to keep it very short, but for the sake of many other readers, and because Sunday was a quiet, rainy day, I thought I would be more thorough. Plus, I just LOVE this stuff and once I get started it is hard to stop! I think some may regret their quick and cavalier responses. I hope to have it up in a day or two.

Tomorrow (Thursday or whenever I can get to it) I will be posting my brief response. Gary Michuta wrote the basic response and I will flesh it out and add a few items. Gary is a very good apologist and you can learn more about him at http://www.handsonapologetics.com. But first I have to finish the Study Guide for the Apostolic Fathers' DVD which has to go to the printer this week.

I find I am important enough to again be featured on White's blog. I just skimmed through it because it is too long-winded and goes on and on. Again, he sure takes me more seriously than I've ever taken him. Since most of his latest just seems to be his typical whining and invective, I'm  not wasting my time in a lengthy response. He's not worth the time it would take  to respond to his latest rant other than to say what I've known for a while. He is a waste of time and getting into a tangle with him always makes me feel like I need a shower. My guess is that a lot of people feel this way, except of course his groupies.

There, now White has another "mean thing said by Steve Ray." So today he can howl some more and write another long-winded rant. This is actually kind of sad — like poking a rabid dog with a stick. He always responds so predictably.   🙂
