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Feast of the Baptism of Our Lord

“Are you Born Again?“
How should a Catholic answer that question?

“Yes, in fact, I am born again the Bible way!“

Are Catholics Born Again? You Betcha!
Baptism: Pastor Bob Preaches the Word!
Baptist at the Door: “Are you Saved?“   
Can Infants be Born Again through Baptism?

For similar articles by Steve Ray, click here.


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Did the Wise Men Meet the Shepherds?
By Steve Ray

A king was born. But He was born unlike most kings. There was no pomp and circumstance; there were no midwives or court attendants. There was only the bleating of sheep and the buzzing of flies. Birth in a cave-turned-stable was not like birth in a royal palace.

When a king is born, proclamations ring out across the land. But few people knew about this exceptional birth. So angels sang it out.

For the rest of the article, click here. For similar articles by Steve Ray, click here.



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Catholics or Protestants?
Who has the Correct List of Books in their Bible —
Written by Steve Ray; published in THIS ROCK Magazine.

Steve's article concludes: “Isn’t it interesting that Martin Luther acknowledged the Catholic Church as the custodian of sacred Scripture when he wrote,

'We concede—as we must—that so much of what they [the Catholic Church] say is true: that the papacy has God’s word and the office of the apostles, and that we have received holy scriptures, baptism, the sacrament, and the pulpit from them. What would we know of these if it were not for them?' "

Click here for the whole article.  For similar articles by Steve Ray, click here.



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Follow the Footprints of Mary & Jesus —

Join us on a Pilgrimage to the Holy Land!!

June Pilgrimage    &    Deacons' September Pilgrimage

If you want to visit the Holy Land in 2006 with Steve and Janet Ray, now is the time to sign up!

Print a brochure by clicking here, or e-mail the very friendly Connie Goode at Corporate Travel or call her at at 800-727-1999 ext. 121 or 150, or 313-565-8888 ext 121 or 150.

Click here to visit our Footprints of God Pilgrimages website.

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“Thanks again for hosting a wonderful pilgrimage. I have been on 14 pilgrimages with 4 different organizations. Yours was by far the best. Very well organized, and it was nice to see some places that were not on the itinerary the last time I was in Israel. You and Janet were very helpful whenever someone was in need, and the two of you were gracious hosts. Thanks again for a great trip.“

“Steve and Janet: How do I start?  It's so difficult to put into words.  A pilgrimage to Israel.  To walk on the ground where Jesus and his Mother lived.  Then to have two of the finest people be the hosts of this great adventure.  I will never forget the experience. So happy to have met both of you. . . . You are a great apologists speaking and writing in defense of the Catholic Faith. You are also a great Pilgrimage Hosts and Guides.“

(Left: Steve teaching in the Capernaum Synagogue where Jesus taught about eating His Flesh and drinking His Blood — the Holy Eurcharist. For larger image, click here.)
