The shows went well. You can listen to the Catholic Answers Live show here. I answered these questions:

1) I am planning to convert to the Catholic Church; how do I tell my wife?
2) Why do Catholics pay so much attention to Mary and the saints? They distract from Christ.
3) What do Catholics teach about dispensations and the 1,000 year reign of Christ?
4) Does the Church teach that a non-Catholic cannot be saved?
5) Why is it OK to baptize "outside the Church" but not to partake in the Eucharist outside the Church?
6) I am converting the Church but my wife is staunchly Protesant. Is it OK for me to go to Mass and then join my family for the Protestant service?

To hear the show after starting Tuesday, click here


I will be on Sean Herriott and Wendy Weiss's show "Morning Air" on Relevant Radio from 9:00-9:30 AM Eastern time to discuss Barnabas and the Gang.

Then I will be the "Question Answerer" on Catholic Answers Live — "Tough Questions from Non-Catholics." Hope to "see" you there.

By the way, can you call a radio program a "show" or can you make an "appearance"? Seems like the wrong words when you can't see anything. Oh well. I'll be there none the less.
