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The good news for Detroit was not the Super Bowl — the good news is the long overdue retirement of a rebellious, “progressive“ and very confused bishop — Bishop Thomas Gumbleton of Detroit. Why he was not censured or removed years ago is a mystery to me.

As Deal Hudson says in his “The Window” article:

“[Gumbleton] openly supports dissenting organizations and their positions on key issues such as an all male priesthood, homosexuality, and Vatican authority.

“If a dissident group like Call to Action or Voice of the Faithful wants a bishop present, Bishop Gumbleton obliges them. He is a founding member of the pacifist group, Pax Christi, which misrepresents the Church's teaching on just war.

“Additionally, Bishop Gumbleton has endorsed a group called Priests for Equality which affirms "that men and women have a right to equal opportunity for ordination to the priesthood."  The list goes on and on.”

(To read Hudson's full article on Gumbleton and the retirement of bishops, click here.)

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Zenit reports:

Detroit Auxiliary Bishop Gumbleton Retires

DETROIT, Michigan, FEB. 2, 2006 (Zenit.org).- Benedict XVI has accepted the resignation of Auxiliary Bishop Thomas Gumbleton, 76, of Detroit.

Thomas Gumbleton was born in Detroit on Jan. 26, 1930. He studied at St. John's Provincial Seminary in Plymouth, Michigan, and at the Lateran University in Rome.

He was ordained a priest of the Archdiocese of Detroit in June 1956. He was appointed auxiliary bishop of Detroit in March 1968 and received episcopal ordination that May.
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I congratulate Pope Benedict for moving quickly. The retirement and hopeful disappearance of Gumbleton is very good news. This breed of old “hippy-wanna-bees“, these old radical, “heretical“ bishops are retiring and dying out. Their breed of “progressives“ from the 60's and 70's are fading away into irrelevance while many of us heave a sigh of relief as we whisper a joyous “good riddance.” 

Praise God for all the older bishops who stayed strong and faithful, bishops like my Bishop Carl Mengeling of Lansing.

The Church is reforming herself. I think there is a new breath of Springtime. I see it everywhere I go. Just look at the young new priests! Look at the new Pope. Look at all the new converts. I am very optimistic!
