Two of Steve’s new talks. Both are on audio CD or available as MP3 files to download to computers or iPods and more. Stay tuned for another new talk coming soon: Jesus, the Ultimate Male Role Model.
Steve Talks Straight to Teens
I was asked to speak for an hour to a group of 800 teens in Peoria Illinois. Great kids! I talked to them straight about education and family, Mary and the Church, and sex and morality. It would be good to have on your teen’s iPod or Smartphone 🙂
Audio Sample 1 Audio Sample 2
Swimming Upstream: Living the Catholic Life in a Neo-Pagan World
Speaking to Men’s Groups are one of my favorite things to do. These guys were hungry to learn and to act like mature Catholic men in a pagan world — and we had fun too! Good talk to have in your husband or son’s Christmas stocking or on their laptop computer or iPad.
Audio Sample 1 Audio Sample 2
