Every year for the last four years I have set a goal of running (or equivalent) over 1,000 miles a year. My wife and I consider it our medicine and our health care program. Every day we “take our medicine.” As of today I am up to 926.6 miles. My new goal is to hit 1,200 this year.

My knee operation slowed me down a bit and I’ve had to work a bit more to catch back up. At home I use our elliptical machine or the stationary bike. On the road I used the Fitness Centers or go our for a run-walk. Hopefully my knee will improve so I can full out run again.

I had also planned to read the Bible and the Catechism through this year and that fell through due to lots of travel, death of my dad and other factors. But I have picked it up again and plan to read both the Catechism and the Bible through during the Year of Faith which started October 11. 

Whew! Now to Essex Ontario to speak at a Men’s Conference full of fired up Catholic men ready to help change the world for the good. Don’t forget to VOTE!
