Sailing Galilee, Mass at Capernaum, eating St. Peter’s Fish, Visitation…

Today was a big day because we leave Galilee and head to Jerusalem. But first we saw the ancient boat from the time of Christ, then we had Mass at Capernaum where Jesus said, “Eat My Flesh and Drink My Blood” where I gave my talk “Defending the Eucharist”. For Fr. Vasek’s great homily, click […]

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Transfiguration, Wedding Vows in Cana and lots in Nazareth

This is one of peoples’ favorite days although every day is special here. The taxi ride up the mountain to the Transfiguration Church is always exciting and gets a lot of “oohs and ahs.”  Another great homily in the beautiful Church of the Transfiguration – a church built to be filled with light – guess […]

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