The long-awaited new Fatima movie is out! Check it out HERE and watch it in theaters or at home.
Based on historical events, three young shepherds in Fátima, Portugal, report visions of the Virgin Mary, inspiring believers and angering officials of the Church and the government who try to force them to recant their story.
Our new Fatima & Lourdes pilgrimage is up and getting registrations. Check out the itinerary, interactive map and the brochure HERE.
You can watch the 90-minute video of our last pilgrimage to Fatima and Lourdes below.
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This is the absolute worst movie on Fatima ever. Based more on Fr. Dhanis’ 1940-1950’s articles on the events vs. Lucia’s memoirs. Save your money and purchase the “The 13th Day” which is significantly more faithful the Sr. Lucia’s accounts.
Here is a much better reveiw that the comment above written in The Catholic Thing:
The best thing to do is to join Steve and Janet on this pilgrimage. Fatima is not the easiest apparitions to understand but it is moving to know that our Lady was there.
I just watched the movie “Fatima” on DVD, and I am afraid that I have to agree with Frank: it’s not a good movie. Perhaps if it had been a fictional story about fictional events, I would have liked it; but for reasons that I can’t understand it is full of inaccuracies and omissions. I also found it rather choppy and disjointed and poorly paced. This post is long; sorry about that! But I wanted to tell about the things that stood out in my memory.
The movie starts with Lucia, alone, in a cave; a bird comes in and flutters around, and then its shadow changes and there’s a rather androgynous person there (I thought for quite a while that it was supposed to be a woman). Contrast that with what Lucia actually wrote (via the America Needs Fatima site):
“”We had been playing for a while when a strong wind shook the trees. Since it was a calm day, we looked up to see what was happening. Then we began to see, well above the trees that covered the stretch of land to the east, a light whiter than snow in the shape of a transparent young man who was more brilliant than a crystal struck by the rays of the sun.
“As he approached, we began to see his features. He was a young man of great beauty about fourteen or fifteen years old. We were surprised and ecstatic. We did not utter a word.
“Once he drew near us, he said: ‘Fear not. I am the Angel of Peace. Pray with me.’ “Kneeling down, he bowed until his forehead touched the ground.”
The angel’s emphasis on suffering was downplayed to the point of invisibility. In real life, Lucia and Francisco and Jacinta all tied knotted ropes around their bodies to suffer, and wore them all day and all night. Our Lady told them to wear them only during the day, not while sleeping. In the movie, Lucia alone impulsively ties a plain rope around herself, and Our Lady tells her not to wear it.
The specifically Eucharistic aspect of Fatima is ignored in the movie, which completely skips the visit of the angel when he talks about the Blessed Sacrament and gives the children Holy Communion. Here’s what Lucia wrote: “We rose to see what was happening, and we saw the angel bearing a chalice in his left hand. Drops of blood fell into the chalice from a Host suspended over it.
“Leaving the chalice and the Host suspended in the air, the angel prostrated himself beside us and said the following prayer three times:
“‘Most Holy Trinity, Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, I adore Thee profoundly and offer Thee the most precious Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity of Jesus Christ, present in all the tabernacles of the earth, in reparation for the insults, sacrileges, and indifference with which He is offended. And through the infinite merits of His Most Sacred Heart and of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, I beg Thee for the conversion of poor sinners.’
“After this, rising up, he again took the chalice and the Host in his hand; he gave the Host to me and the contents of the chalice to Jacinta and Francisco to drink, saying: ‘Take and drink the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ, who is horribly insulted by ungrateful men. Make reparation for their crimes and console your God.'”
In real life: “The three seers were playing at Cova da Iria on May 13, 1917 when they saw two flashes like lightning, after which they saw the Mother of God above a holm oak. She was, according to the description of Lucia, “a Lady dressed in white, more brilliant than the sun…” Her face, indescribably beautiful, was “neither sad nor happy, but serious,” with an air of mild reproach. Her hands, joined together as if she were praying, were resting at her breast and pointing upward. A rosary hung from her right hand. The seers were so close to Our Lady – about a yard and a half away – that they stood within the light that radiated from her.”
In the movie, the Lady is not above the oak, she stands on the ground with the children. She is dressed in white, but there’s no light radiating from her.
The children ask her about one dead person and are told that she is in heaven. The movie ignores their question about a second person, about whom Our Lady said “She will be in purgatory until the end of the world.”
In the movie, the Lady simply disappears. Compare that to what Lucia wrote: “She immediately began to rise serenely toward the east until she disappeared far into the distance. The light that surrounded her was, so to speak, opening her way through the starry firmament.”
In the movie, some drops of blood appear on the bodice of the Lady’s gown. In real life: “In front of Our Lady’s right hand there was a heart encircled by thorns that seemed to pierce it. We understood that it was the Immaculate Heart of Mary, insulted by the sins of humanity and which desires reparation.”
The threats and terror are pretty much omitted from the part where the children were kidnapped by the mayor. In real life threw them in jail with criminals; and he thratened that he would put them in boiling oil, and cruelly had a guard take away Jacinta, then told the remaining two that she was dead, taking Francisco and then telling Lucia that he was dead, too.
The apparitions of Our Lord, Our Lady, and St. Joseph that the children saw during the miracle of the sun? Omitted. And I really don’t think that the movie did a very good job of matching the descriptions of the miracle of the sun.
The truth is so amazing and dramatic that it simply boggles the mind that the people who made the movie thought they could improve on it. It’s as if they’re a bit timid about telling the whole truth, so they pick some things that won’t offend modern people, or non-Catholic people, too much.
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