Argentinian Bishop Organizes Special Mass to Give Communion to Adulterous Couples, Cites Pope Francis

BREAKING: Argentinian Bishop Organizes Special Mass to Give Communion to Adulterous Couples, Cites Pope Francis

Full article provided below and also on the Rorati Caeli website here. Another article here.


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“This past Sunday at the Parish Church of San Roque, Reconquista, Santa Fe (Argentina), the local bishop, Msgr. Macín, appointed by Pope Francis in 2013, carried out a monumental and sacrilegious scandal that clearly shows what’s behind Amoris laetitia.
“In this church he organized a solemn Mass, in which he publicly announced that according to the norms sent in a letter more than 6 months ago by Pope Francis, and within the framework of the integration of Christians who are “marginalized” because of their irregular situation of being divorced and remarried or in an irregular situation (the divorced in a new union), after having completed a period of 6 months of meetings on Saturdays called the “path of discernment”, it was determined in accordance with what was previously stated (by order of the Pope) TO INCLUDE THEM IN FULL AND SACRAMENTAL COMMUNION, which would happen in the ceremony. At no point was mention made that those people had taken some vow of chastity or of living “as brothers [and sisters].”
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“In the same way, communion was given to all those mentioned (some 30 couples) accompanied by their relatives who took photos in a festive atmosphere. At no point was reference ever made to the Scriptures which condemn adultery, and again and again the excerpts of Amoris laetitia are mentioned where it is said that the divorced and remarried ought to be included in full communion.
“This bishop, and all those who follow this type of directives and actions, are simply apostates, wolves dressed in sheep’s clothing, who not only send souls to hell, but also profane the Eucharist, for which they will have to give an account before God.
“This news is confirmed by Adelante La Fe through eyewitnesses and, if there is any doubt, can be cross-checked in the local news.”
[Translated by Andrew Guernsey]

This Post Has 4 Comments

  1. Bill912

    And Cardinal Burke was condemned by some for asking the Holy Father to clarify what he meant?!!!

    STEVE RAY HERE: Excellent Point!

  2. sandi

    Unless the Pope speaks up and calls this what it is – heresy, he will be guilty of heresy himself and what follows should be him stepping down.

  3. Bill 912

    No, if the Pope fails to clarify, he may be guilty of neglect, not heresy.

    Steve Ray here: Thanks Bill!

  4. sandi

    Nevermind my previous post (unpublished). I just asked my parish priest about it. According to him also, it would not be heresy for the Pope, even though they are doing what they are doing because of the Pope’s words. The Pope is not compelled either to correct them. Perhaps, Steve, you could write a column on heresy and what the Pope’s responsibilities are, if any, if it’s happening in the church.

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