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The 500th Anniversary of the Protestant Schism is upon us. Protestants are celebrating 500 years from Martin Luther nailing his 95 Thesis on the Wittenburg Church door. His actions divided Christendom and caused untold problems. Protestants of course consider this revolt as the restoration of the biblical Christianity and salvation by “faith alone.”
Steve and Janet Ray, in conjunction with Lutheran scholar Ken Hensley of Coming Home Network and Fr. Steven Thomlison from Lincoln NE (convert from Lutheranism), will be leading a tour through Germany – following Martin Luther and his schism with the Catholic Church.
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We will visit all the primary locations of the Reformation: Luther’s hometown, Wittenburg where he nailed his 95 Thesis, the tower where he translated his copy of the Bible, Marburg to see the castle where the Reformers argued and left in disaccord.
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Not only will we study Luther and the problems of the Reformation, but we will also enjoy the beauty and culture of Germany. Great food and wine (and German beer!), a river dinner cruise, famous ancient biblical archaeology in Berlin Museum, touring the famous sites such as Brandenburg Gate, Checkpoint Charlie and much more.
Catholics should be prepared to understand Martin Luther and the schism that he started. This will be more than just a tour, it will also be a seminar on the differences and similarities with our Protestant brothers and sisters. With a view to dialog and understanding, this seminar tour will help us work with ecumenical zeal to heal the wounds and separations in the Church.
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We will end with an Optional Post-Germany tour of Rome to visit the key sites related related to the Reformation and the Counter-Reformation. We will join the Pope for his Angelus in St. Peter’s Square on Sunday, visit St. Peter’s Basilica and tour the Sistine Chapel. Enjoying Steve & Janet’s favorite restaurants are frosting on the cake.
Prices, full brochure and more information soon. For the Interactive Map and Itinerary, click HERE. Contact Elizabeth for more information and to be put on the list at or (313) 744-2530 or toll-free 1-800-727-1999, ext.150.
This trip is already generating a lot of interest so act soon.
