Once Considered the Messiah, Obama Now A Joke Around the World

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Even the liberal International New York Times has stopped cheering for him

When Obama was first elected people in all the countries we visited thought he was going to change the world, solve problems, bring everyone together. Huge crowds cheered his as the Messiah. He was given the Noble Peace Prize. Everyone was optimistic. Liberals were in love!

Now when we travel around the world it’s the exact opposite. I can’t find anyone who supports him, think he’s great, or has any respect for him. He has become a joke to almost everyone we’ve talked to just as he has on US late night comedy. Newspaper editorials criticize him, people flip him off as a failed leader, and America looks small.

It’s not just Obamacare – that is only the frosting on the rotten cake – it is that the world is finally realizing he has no idea what he’s doing (unless he is actually trying to bring America down a few notches), he is untrustworthy, disingenuous, self-absorbed, and disengaged.

The once great America now seems amateurish under his presidency and it’s comedy of errors , cover-ups and lies. We are drowning in debt and losing our position as world leader. China smiles; Iran snickers and allies wonder what is next.

We’ve been in many countries across the globe over the last few months and it’s the same everywhere. People ask us incredulously almost daily, “How could you have elected him a second time?” America is not respected as it used to be. This president has embarrassed us all.


This Post Has 4 Comments

  1. Peter

    I think when you make statements like this, Steve, you overlook his good points. Who do you know that’s more comfortable on Air Force 1? Anybody? No. So he’s very much at ease n an essentially foreign environment. That’s good.
    I bet he’s been to Hawaii more than you, that’s good. He swings a mean 4 iron, that’s good.
    He’s completely wrecked an already flawed healthcare system. Who can say they’ve done as much?
    So you see, when you make statements like yours, you should look at the positives too. Here’s a new slogan for you: “As a president, Barack has shiny shoes.” and leave it at that.

  2. John

    I don’t travel much but I’m not surprised by what you are saying. My question is: what happens over the next 2 years? Does he spend it doing as much damage as possible? In two years, what will America look like? I would be interested in your thoughts?

  3. Jesse

    Hey, at least his golf game has been perfected after 150 presidential rounds. Wait 150 rounds of golf…what president has ever had so much playtime?

  4. Tom Govern

    Seriously, You need to go back in history. Obama was nominated and elected by his Party, who thanks to my beloved George’s screw ups, could not be beaten. He was expected to tow the Party line. He was never a leader and still is not, he is a puppet of his Party. He knows that and you can tell by his latest “I an sorry” speech where he keeps going between “we”, “us” and finally “I”. Obviously, the problem is that he and his minions keep getting elected.

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