Tomorrow She is Canonized! Books to Read about "Saint" Mother Teresa with Reviews by our Rome Guide Liz Lev

"The long-awaited canonization of Mother Teresa has sparked a renewed interest in her astounding life. Her name has become synonymous with selfless love and service to the poor, sick, disabled…

Continue ReadingTomorrow She is Canonized! Books to Read about "Saint" Mother Teresa with Reviews by our Rome Guide Liz Lev

Interview with German Philosopher and Friend of St. JP II: Robert Spaemann on Pope Francis' "Amoris Laetitia"

Stuttgart, Germany, Apr 29, 2016 / 10:49 am (CNA).- Greatly valued as an advisor by Saint John Paul II, a friend of Benedict XVI, and widely held to be the…

Continue ReadingInterview with German Philosopher and Friend of St. JP II: Robert Spaemann on Pope Francis' "Amoris Laetitia"