When Your Grandkids Ask Someday: "Grandpa, What Did YOU Do on that Important November, Way Back in 2012?" What Will You Say?

People often have regrets. "I wish I had ....!"  If only we had ....!" Your grandkids or fellow Christians may say to you some day in the future -- "You…

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When Your Grandkids Ask Someday: “Grandpa, What Did YOU Do on that Important November, Way Back in 2012?” What Will You Say?

People often have regrets. "I wish I had ....!"  If only we had ....!" Your grandkids or fellow Christians may say to you some day in the future -- "You…

Continue ReadingWhen Your Grandkids Ask Someday: “Grandpa, What Did YOU Do on that Important November, Way Back in 2012?” What Will You Say?