Embarrassing and Inane Article in Crux Magazine Saying Catholic Converts Suffer from Neurosis

AUSTEN IVEREIGH'S SLAM AGAINST CONVERTS IN CRUX STIRRED UP A FIRESTORM. Below is a link to his article, comments, his subsequent apology and Crux's response with new guidelines. UPDATE SATURDAY,…

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EWTN and Reporter Pentin on Bishops Asking Pope for Meeting to Clarify “Amoris Laetitia”

Why is the Pope refusing to respond to Cardinal Raymond Burke and three other cardinals to clarify whether Amoris Laetitia is intended to allow divorced and civilly remarried to participate…

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Argentinian Bishop Organizes Special Mass to Give Communion to Adulterous Couples, Cites Pope Francis

BREAKING: Argentinian Bishop Organizes Special Mass to Give Communion to Adulterous Couples, Cites Pope Francis Full article provided below and also on the Rorati Caeli website here. Another article here. ****************************…

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