3 Keys to Credibility at the Upcoming Sex Abuse Summit in Rome

There will be little real progress unless the summit tackles these three issues — including the “forbidden” topic of homosexuality. National Catholic Register, by Msgr. Charles Pope, Feb 2, 2019 ********************************************* The…

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INTERVIEW: Cardinal Müller on Homosexuality Practiced and Covered Up within the Clergy and Hierarchy

Pope Francis recently fired him from his position as the head of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (and maybe now we know why!) Here is part of…

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BREAKING: Abp. Viganò urges U.S. bishops to confront sex abuse as ‘courageous shepherds’

ROME, November 13, 2018 (LifeSiteNews) — Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò today issued a brief message to the U.S. Bishops, urging them to confront sex abuse as “courageous shepherds” rather than…

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