Does God Tempt Us to Sin? Should we Change the Words of the “Our Father” Prayer?

There are a lot of discussions about the Pope’s comments a while ago on the wording of the “Our Father” prayer, especially the line “Lead us not into temptation” (Matt…

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What to think about the Pope and his comments of Civil Unions for Homosexuals

This morning I had prepared to wax eloquent about the recently revealed comments by Pope Francis and the confusion and dismay they are causing with faithful Catholics and the jubilant…

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Two New Zoom Podcasts: Matt Fradd’s “Pints with Aquinas” & “Reason and Theology”

On his podcast Pints with Aquinas, Matt Fradd and I discussed the Papacy. Very lively and wide-ranging conversation. Matt is an excellent interviewer. He entitled the show "A Conversation with…

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