The Ugly Truth of Racism in America: What the Zimmerman Trial is Again Revealing – link fixed

This article by Fred Reed entitled "Riots" is a sad but all to accurate read.  Watching the Zimmerman trial, I wonder whether we may not be in for big trouble.…

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Imperial President Promises Christians: "I Won't Make You Marry Gays"…

...he won't MAKE us marry gays? Oh, how kind of his majesty. So considerate of his subjects, especially us misguided and intolerant Christians. Obama the merciful! But before you bow in…

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Congressman Attacks "Anemic" US Response to Christian Persecution

Rep. Frank Wolf, co-chairman of the Tom Lantos Human Rights Commission, urges the appointment of an envoy to protect religious minorities. by CNA/EWTN NEWS  06/21/2013  WASHINGTON — Rep. Frank Wolf, R-Va., has…

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