“Be not ashamed of the Cross of Christ; but though another hide it, do thou openly seal it upon thy forehead”

Church Father, St. Cyril, Archbishop of Jerusalem (c. 315–87) in  his “Catechetical Lectures.” 13. All kings when they die have their power extinguished with their life: but Christ crucified is worshipped…

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What Does the Word Catholic Mean? A History of the Word “Catholic”

As a Protestant, I went to an Evangelical church that changed an important and historical word in the  Apostles Creed. Instead of the “holy, catholic Church,” we were the “holy,…

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Responding to an Eastern Orthodox Christian who challenged me about the Papacy on Catholic Answers Live😂

When I was last on Catholic Answers Live last week Constantine Regas called in to defend the Eastern Orthodox position against the Catholic Church’s teaching on Peter and the Primacy…

Continue ReadingResponding to an Eastern Orthodox Christian who challenged me about the Papacy on Catholic Answers Live😂