Why Can't Catholics Celebrate Mass where the First Mass was Celebrated – in the Upper Room?

Deputy Foreign Minister Zeev Elkin dismisses reports that Israel is planning to hand over control of the Tomb of King David to the Vatican. By Shimon Cohen, First Publish: 7/18/2013,…

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Canon Lawyer Ed Peters Comments on Vatican Press Offices Unfortunate Comments about Disregard for Liturgical Law with Foot-washing

UPDATE 4/6/13 Ed Peters Responds to a critic Ed Peters Discusses Disregard for Liturgical Law in Washing Women's Feet and Unhelpful Response from the Vatican Press Office. http://wp.me/p25nov-AP The background…

Continue ReadingCanon Lawyer Ed Peters Comments on Vatican Press Offices Unfortunate Comments about Disregard for Liturgical Law with Foot-washing