Is Paganism Making a Comeback? Steve on The Catholic Current with Fr. McTeigue SJ

Based on my talk "Swimming Upstream: Living a Catholic Life in a Pagan World," Steve and Fr. Robert McTeigue, SJ discussed how paganism is coming back in a big way…

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Real Stations of the Cross discussed on Relevant Radio

Steve Ray joined John Harper on Morning Air (Relevant Radio) to discuss the origin and the meaning of the Stations. Also insightful comments on each individual Station. Join the 20-minute discussion with the link provided. Steve’s discussion starts at the 26:00 minute mark.

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Why Would Someone Visit Poland?

Why would someone want to visit Poland? Janet and I visited Poland in 1985 when it was still communist. We smuggled Bibles, money and medicine into the Christians behind the Iron Curtain. Driving through the infamous Checkpoint Charlie into East Germany was a little bit hair-raising. While crossing between East Germany into Poland we held […]

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