Mass at JPII Altar, Last Steps of St. Paul, Catacombs and more

One of the irritating things for me when I’m trying to make these videos every day for our group and for a wider audience is that in many places they will not allow us to take photos or videos. So, how do I document the sites and our events? It happened to me twice today […]

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First Day in Rome: Chains of St.Peter, San Clemente, Coliseum and Roman Forum

We hit the ground running in Rome today. Some of our folks who did not stay for the extension went to the airport and flew home. But 30 and us remained for three days with intensive touring of Christian Ancient and Christian Rome. We started the day with Mass at the Church of Saint Peter […]

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Mass at Padre Pio’s Altar, Visited his Incorrupt Body, Drive to Singing Dinner in Rome

Today we woke up and beautiful son Giovanni Rotondo on the side of a mountain or Padre Pio lived and worked. We started the day with my talk on Padre Pio (see whole talk on video below) and Mass at the altar where the saint celebrated Mass for so many years. We all sat right […]

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