Israel Day 8: Via Dolorosa, Calvary, Mass in Aramaic, Holy Shroud Exhibit, Ceremonial Entrance into Tomb

We started the day by leaving the hotel at 5 AM in the morning to walk the Via Dolorosa in peace and quiet after which we did a tour of the Holy Sepulchre  and touched the top of Calvary where the cross once stood. We then had Mass. Fr. Badway’s excellent final homily here.   His […]

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Israel Day 7: Gethsemane, Paternoster, Ascension, Western Wall, Mount Zion, Upper Room, Dinner on Roof of Jerusalem

A world wind day seeing lots of things in and around Jerusalem. First, was a very emotional and moving Mass at Gethsemane at the rock was Jesus sweat drops of blood.  You can see/hear Fr. Gavin’s homily here. From there to the top of the Mount of Olives where Jesus taught his disciples to pray […]

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