Send me your No. 1 Reason for Being Catholic. I will Leave a List of 95 Reasons at the Wittenburg Door in Germany next Sunday 9/10/17 at Mass!!

Next Sunday our group will have Mass at the Catholic Church in Wittenburg Germany. It was in Wittenburg that Martin Luther nailed his 95 Theses to the Wittenburg Church door. I will leave ANOTHER list — “95 Reasons to Be and Stay Catholic.” We need your help. Please send your best reason (or two or three ) […]

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Nice 2-Minute Video on Jesus’ Baptismal Site in Jordan

We know where Jesus was baptized. It was on the Jordan side of the Jordan River. The site is called Bethany-beyond-the-Jordan as mentioned in John 1:28. This is a nice little 2 minute video about this site. You will also see this site in great detail in our upcoming documentary on Elijah & Elisha – […]

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