Via Dolorosa to Calvary, Mass at Tomb to Western Wall and more

Early, early start to pray the real Stations of the Cross. Calvary and tour of the whole Church of Holy Sepulchre. We settled into our benches for our High Mass with Francisans at the Tomb of Christ. The Western Wall on Bar Mitzvah day is always a unique and colorful experience then a free afternoon […]

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Moving Mass at Gethsemane, Story of Salvation, Al’s Story and more

Yom Kippor in Israel which made an interesting day for us. Started with Mass at Gethsemane (homily here) and visiting Mount of Olives and Mount Zion and free time in Jerusalem. Al Kresta told his life story then ended the day in Bethlehem with two whole roasted lambs with flowing wine and Good dancing. the […]

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