Great Experiences and Learning at Transfiguration, Cana and Nazareth

A wonderful first full day starting with Mass  at the top of the Mount of Transfiguration  which is 1900 feet high. You can hear and see the excellent homily here. From there we renewed our wedding vows in Cana of Galilee. And authentic lunch in Nazareth with lamb and chicken and all the local salads […]

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Al Kresta and 100 Pilgrims Arrive in the Holy Land

<img class=”alignright size-medium wp-image-1595804″ src=”×252.jpeg” alt=”88C7760D-3913-4563-ACE8-57643B1AE8AA” width=”300″ height=”252″ /> We are very excited, Janet and I, to welcome the Ave Maria Radio Group and lots of their friends to the Holy Land. Ever since I first came to Israel it has been my dream to bring Al and Sally Kresta with me. Today is a […]

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