Over 750 Conversion Stories to Read & Listen to!
My new friend Tim Cooper has provided a marvelous new service. He has cataloged over 750 conversion stories -- cataloged by what the converts were before they became Catholic. You can see this…
My new friend Tim Cooper has provided a marvelous new service. He has cataloged over 750 conversion stories -- cataloged by what the converts were before they became Catholic. You can see this…
Retired bishop announces plans to become Roman CatholicBy Mary Frances Schjonberg, November 26, 2007 -- [Episcopal News Service] John B. Lipscomb, who recently retired as bishop of the Episcopal Diocese…
In Preparation for Chuck Neff's "Searching the Word" show tomorrowTo listen over the internet, click here Steve's article in THIS ROCK Magazine"Should Catholics Attend 'Ecumenical' Bible Studies"My article Should Catholics go…