About the Bible
- 018Philemon
- 1 Corinthians: Standing Firm in a Pagan Culture
- 1 Thessalonians: The 2nd Coming of Christ
- 1 Timothy: Paul’s Loyal Convert and Fellow-worker
- 2 Corinthians: Paul Bear’s His Soul
- 2 Thessalonians: Correcting False Teaching on Christ’s Return
- 2 Timothy: Last Words of Paul Written from Mammertine Prison
- Archaeology: The Stones Cry Out (This Rock Magazine)
- Bereans: Did the Noble-minded Bereans Believe in the Bible Alone?
- Bible Studies: What About Non-denominational, Ecumenical Bible Studies?
- Bible Study Software: St. Jerome Would be Delighted!
- Bible Study Tools: Where’s that $%&@$ Hammer?
- Bible Study: Be Sherlock Holmes and See if this a Real Catholic Bible Study
- Bible Study: How to Start a Parish Bible Study
- Bible Study: Playground or Minefield? Why We Need the Church!
- Bible Translation Bias
- Bible Translations: All Created Equal? Protestant Bias of the NIV? Study of the Word Tradition
- Bible Verses Defined by the Church
- Bible Verses Missing from Modern Bibles?
- Bible: The Full but Neglected Backpack: What Catholics Need to Know about Scripture
- Bible’s Canon: Do Protestants or Catholics have the Correct List of Books?
- Canon of the Old Testament – Catholic or Protestant Collection?
- Catholics Reading Scripture
- Colossians: Christ the Head of the Church
- Cross, People at the Foot of the Cross
- Did the Wise Men Meet the Shepherds?
- Easter Timeline
- Ephesians: The Body of Christ-both Jew and Gentile
- Galatians: the Heart of Paul’s Gospel to the Gentiles
- History of the Bible Chart
- Holy Ground as published in Lay Witness Magazine
- Holy Site: Holy Ground: Thoughts on Visiting Israel
- Holy Sites: Are These the Actual Locations?
- How Long was Jesus in the Tomb? Three Days and Three Nights?
- How Long Was Jesus on the Cross?
- Jamnia and the Canon of the Old Testament
- Jesus Was a Jew: Understanding Jesus & the New Testament in Context
- Jesus Was a Jew: Understanding Jesus and the New Testament
- John’s Gospel: The Spiritual Gospel from the Eagle
- Luke’s Gospel: Greek Physician, Historian, & Friend of Mary
- Mark: Deserter and Loyal Friend
- Mark’s Gospel: Peter’s Scribe Writes to the Romans
- Matthew’s Gospel: Understanding the Tax Collector and his Gospel
- New Testament Books: Self-authenticating? No Need for the Church to Close the Canon?
- Notes on Matthias
- Philemon: A Slave Set Free in Christ
- Philippians: Joy and Rejoicing with St. Paul
- Questions for Bible-Christians (that they can’t answer)
- Resurrection Appearances of Jesus
- Romans: Justified by the Obedience of Faith
- Six Biblical Myths Debunked – Updated
- Talk Notes: Circumcision & Uncircumcision
- Thorn in the Flesh, Paul’s Messenger from Satan
- Timeline Apostolic Fathers
- Timeline of Holy Week
- Timeline of Holy Week 2
- Timeline of St. Paul’s Life and Writings
- Timeline of the First Christian Century
- Translations of the Bible, Which One Should I Use?
- Who Chose Books of the Bible? Are the Books Self-Authenticating?
Theology and Apologetics
- “Chair of Moses – Chair of Peter” – A discussion with a Protestant
- “Who Do You Say That I Am?”
- 33,000 Denominations is Too Many
- Abortion: Should this Baby be Aborted? You Decide!
- Absent from the Body = Present with the Lord?
- Acts of the Apostles: The Early Catholic Church
- Ankerberg’s Book: Refuting Evangelicals & Catholics: Do They Now Agree?
- Atheism, You are a Detective
- Baptism: Do Sacraments Need Digestive Juices? Is Faith Required?
- Baptism: Infant Baptism
- Baptism: Pastor Bob Preaches the Word
- Baptist at the door
- Baptist at the Door: Are you Saved?
- Baptist in a Bookstore
- Baptist Ordinations: What’s That All About?
- Baptists, were you right to leave the Catholic Church?
- Bereans and Sola Scriptura
- Bible: Who has the Correct Collection of Books, Catholics, or Protestants?
- Born Again? Are Catholics Born Again? You Betcha!
- Call No Man Father
- Carta a un Fundamentalista
- Catholic Doctrine in Scripture: 84 pages
- Catholic: What does the Word Mean?
- Catholics & the Covenants
- Chair of Peter – Chair of Moses
- Charles Stanley and Eternal Security
- Communion of Saints: Quotes, Bible Verses, & Resources
- Cross & Crucifix: Explanation to an Evangelical
- Cross and the Crucifix
- Cross vs. Crucifix: A Biblical, Historical, and Theological Study
- Crucifix & Mass: What Does God See When He Opens Eyes?
- Crucifixion: Was Jesus Crucified Naked?
- Did Paul Pray for the Dead?
- Dispensationalism, Why Protestants are Wrong
- Episcopalian ‘Priest,’ A Response to
- Eucharist and Mass – Steve’s Thorough Explanation to a Fundamentalist Protestant
- Eucharist as Seen by the Early Church Fathers
- Eucharist in the Fathers
- Eucharist, Who Says the Mass is a Sacrifice?
- Faith Alone and Abraham: How Was Abraham Saved?
- Feeding the Five Thousand: Jesus Teaches the People to Share
- Homosexuality and Jesus
- Homosexuality: In Animals and in Human Genes?
- Homosexuality: Was Jesus a Homosexual? Some say Yes
- Infallibility: Ex Cathedra – From the Chair
- Infallibility: Must One be Sinless to be Infallible?
- Infallibility: Must the Church First be Perfect? Scripture & Church Authority
- Infant Baptism
- Inventing Doctrines: Why Do Protestants Do It?
- Is A Pope Beyond Criticism?
- Is Faith Alone the Basis for the Final Judgement?
- James Brother of Our Lord: James son of Alphaeus
- Jesus – How Big in Mary’s Womb at Visitation
- Jesus Was A Jew – What is That To You?
- John 3:16: Does it Teach Salvation by Faith Alone?
- Joseph, Was He the Father of Jesus?
- King David: Where was he Buried? What is the City of David?
- Law of Moses or Sermon on the Mount: What Law Does the Christian Obey?
- Law, Grace & the Sabbath: Explaining Law & Grace to a Baptist Friend
- Letter After Visit by Baptists with Pastor Don: Reading the Bible, Salvation, and Do they Know the Truth?
- Letter to an Anti-Catholic Fundamentalist
- Letter to Fundamentalist Opposing Catholics & Info on Being Sealed by the Holy Spirit
- Letters to an Anti-Catholic Fundamentalist – Bill Jackson
- Loaves & Fishes: Did Jesus Really Do a Miracle
- Love First Used in the Bible
- Mary Needed a Savior – Was She a Sinner?
- Mary, Ark of the New Covenant – Answering Objections
- Mary, Ark of the New Covenant – revised
- Mary, Ark of the New Covenant in the Fathers
- Mary, Saints, Worship, and Salvation: Do Catholics Worship Mary?
- Mary: Do Catholics Worship Mary?
- Mary: Does the Prophet Jeremiah Condemn Catholics for Worshiping the Queen of Heaven?
- Mary: Jesus Said His Mother had Other Sons? Really?
- Mary: Queen or Bride in Psalm 45
- Mary: Response to Criticism of the Assumption & Queenship of Mary
- Mary’s Sorrows Known and Unknown
- Mary’s Virginity: How Was Jesus Born? Miraculous Birth?
- Mass a Sacrifice – Talk notes
- Mass a Sacrifice?
- Mass, A Short Primer
- Pentecost: Mary and the Other Body of Christ
- Peter and Succession: the Peg of Isaiah 22
- Peter in the New Testament
- Peter: Was the Rock Really Peter or only his Confession of Faith? Answering an Orthodox Christian
- Prayer for the Dead: Did St. Paul Do This?
- Protestant Groups: Are they Schisms?
- Purgatory
- Sabbath, Wheat and the Pharisees
- Sacrament Chart: Easy-to-use Sacrament Chart from Bible and Catechism
- Sacrifice of the Mass: Re-crucifying Christ?
- Shepherds & Wise Men
- Ship and Rafts: Catholics and Protestants
- Sign of the Cross: It’s Meaning and History
- Six Rules for Dealing with Non-Catholic Family & Friends
- Steve’s Conversion Story with Pictures
- Sunday Morning Mass
- This Rock Magazine Ankerberg Aweigh 7/1996
- This Rock Magazine: John 3:16 and Eternal Security 9/1995
- This Rock Magazine: Should We Call Joseph the Father of Jesus? 3/2005
- This Rock Magazine: What Does Catholic Mean? 1/2005
- This Rock Magazine: Why the Bereans Rejected Sola Scriptura 3/1997
- Tomb is Empty: Visiting the Holy Sepulchre Today
- Trail of Blood: What About Baptist Successionism?
- Unanimous Consent of the Fathers
- Vegans
- Was Jesus Crucified Naked or Clothed?
- Was Jesus Nice?
- What My Grandpa Said About the Pope: Wonderful Dialog!
- Why We Need a Church – short
- Why Were Catholics Leaving to Join the Baptists?
- Witnesses to the Resurrection of Christ – How Many
- Witnessing for Christ: Are you Prepared to be a Martyr?
My Books, Talks & DVDs: Reviews and Defense
- Bereans-Steve Ray, James White and William Putnam
- Catholic Legends 1: Steve Responds to James White about UPON THIS ROCK
- Catholic Legends 2: I Got Under White’s Skin: 2nd Response about UPON THIS ROCK
- Chair of Moses: Dave Armstrong Refutes James White and Defends Upon this Rock
- Crossing the Tiber 1: Steve Responds to a Review by Fundamentalist Bayack
- Crossing the Tiber 2: Steve Responds to Pastor Bayack Who Strikes Again
- Crossing the Tiber 3: Dave Armstrong Refutes Pastor Bayack on Mary, Tradition & Scripture
- Crossing the Tiber 4: Armstrong Teaches Bayack on Mary’s Perpetual Virginity and the Protestant Reformers
- Crossing the Tiber Review from Tyler, TX
- Defending my Article on Israel in National Catholic Register 8/2006
- DVD Lesson Plan – Jesus
- DVD Lesson Plan – Mary
- DVD Lesson Plan – Moses
- DVD Lesson Plan – Peter
- DVD Lesson Plan – Paul: Contending for the Faith
- DVD Study Guide- Abraham
- DVD Study Guide- Apostolic Fathers
- DVD Study Guide – David and Solomon
- DVD Study Guide – Elijah and Elisha
- DVD Study Guide – Jesus
- DVD Study Guide – Mary
- DVD Study Guide – Moses
- DVD Study Guide – Paul (Spanish)
- DVD Study Guide – Peter
- DVD Study Guide – St. Paul
- Faith Magazine: For Stephen Ray is an Adventure
- First Things Magazine Their Dishonest Article & my Responses
- Is the Swan’s Song in Tune? Is Luther Quoted Wrongly in Crossing the Tiber?
- Jerusalem Panoramic Pictures
- Mary, Mother of God: Was she from the Priestly Line?
- Night on the Sea of Galilee
- Papacy: A Fair Review and My Response to Two Criticisms
- Raising Catholic Families
- Steve’s Prepared Conference Talks
- Steve’s Retired Bishop’s Endorsement
- The Bible and the Quran – Steve’s Introduction
- Twenty-one Questions to Ask Before Going on Pilgrimage
- Upon this Rock Defended Against Mathison in his book The Shape of Sola Scriptura
- Upon this Rock: Reviewed by Catholics United for the Faith (CUF)
- Upon this Rock: Reviewed by National Catholic Register
- Webster Stumbles “Upon this Rock” my book on the papacy – here he is soundly refuted
- Webster Stumbles Upon this Rock 3: He is Wrong on St. Augustine too
- Webster Stumbles Upon this Rock 4: He is Wrong on St. Chrysostom too
- Webster Stumbles Upon this Rock: David Palm Responds
- Webster: Steve’s 17-part Response to Webster’s
- Whelton, Basil & my book Upon this Rock
- Whelton, Chrysostom & my book Upon this Rock
General Topics
- Annulments
- Baptism: Name of Jesus or Trinity?
- Birds/Animals Seen at our House
- Catholic Church and its 23 Rites
- Cross, People at the Foot of the Cross
- DeSales Luther & Councils pg. 155
- Encountering Christ in the Holy Land – Steve explains importance of the Holy Land
- Filipino People: An Open Letter by Steve Ray
- Genuflecting a No-No?
- Healthy Foods Chart
About the Bible
- 018PhilemonPDF (2447 downloads )
- 1 Corinthians: Standing Firm in a Pagan Culture (10997 downloads )
- 1 Thessalonians: The 2nd Coming of Christ (5492 downloads )
- 1 Timothy: Paul’s Loyal Convert and Fellow-worker (6221 downloads )
- 2 Corinthians: Paul’s Bears His Soul (5885 downloads )
- 2 Thessalonians: Correcting False Teaching on Christ’s Return (6305 downloads )
- 2 Timothy: Last Words of Paul Written from Mammertine Prison (7158 downloads )
- Archaeology: The Stones Cry Out (This Rock Magazine) (8104 downloads )
- Bereans: Did the Noble-minded Bereans Believe in the Bible Alone? (10548 downloads )
- Bible Studies: What About Non-denominational, Ecumenical Bible Studies? (15044 downloads )
- Bible Study Software: St. Jerome Would be Delighted! (6641 downloads )
- Bible Study Tools: Where’s that $%&@$ Hammer? (5224 downloads )
- Bible Study: Be Sherlock Holmes and See if this is a Real Catholic Bible Study (5220 downloads )
- Bible Study: How to Start a Parish Bible Study (16409 downloads )
- Bible Study: Playground or Minefield? Why We Need the Church! (7668 downloads )
- Bible Translation Bias (3208 downloads )
- Bible Translations: All Created Equal? Protestant Bias of the NIV; Study of the Word Tradition (13164 downloads )
- Bible Verses Defined by the Church (3515 downloads )
- Bible Verses Missing from Modern Bibles? (2882 downloads )
- Bible: The Full but Neglected Backpack; What Catholics Need to Know about Scripture (6208 downloads )
- Bible’s Canon: Do Protestants or Catholics have the Correct List of Books? (13644 downloads )
- Canon of the Old Testament – Catholic or Protestant Collection? (2979 downloads )
- Catholics Reading Scripture (11931 downloads )
- Colossians: Christ the Head of the Church (5192 downloads )
- Cross, People at the Foot of the Cross (3381 downloads )
- Did the Wise Men Meet the Shepherds? (18719 downloads )
- Easter Timeline (2347 downloads )
- Ephesians: the Body of Christ–both Jew and Gentile (5990 downloads )
- Galatians: the Heart of Paul’s Gospel to the Gentiles (5615 downloads )
- History of the Bible Chart (4914 downloads )
- Holy Ground as published in Lay Witness Magazine (6515 downloads )
- Holy Sites; Holy Ground: Thoughts on Visiting Israel (6697 downloads )
- Holy Sites: Are These the Actual Locations? (8279 downloads )
- How Long was Jesus in the Tomb? Three Days and Three Nights? (8938 downloads )
- How Long Was Jesus on the Cross? (21712 downloads )
- Jamnia and the Canon of the Old Testament (4956 downloads )
- Jesus Was a Jew: Understanding Jesus & the New Testament in Context (9968 downloads )
- Jesus Was A Jew: Understanding Jesus and the New Testament (3495 downloads )
- John’s Gospel: The Spiritual Gospel from the Eagle (8731 downloads )
- Luke’s Gospel: Greek Physician, Historian & Friend of Mary (16896 downloads )
- Mark: Deserter and Loyal Friend (5078 downloads )
- Mark’s Gospel: Peter’s Scribe Writes to the Romans (8347 downloads )
- Matthew’s Gospel: Understanding the Tax Collector and his Gospel (12027 downloads )
- New Testament Books: Self-authenticating? No Need for the Church to Close the Canon? (10717 downloads )
- Notes on Matthias (6961 downloads )
- Philemon: A Slave Set Free in Christ (5115 downloads )
- Philippians: Joy and Rejoicing with St. Paul (5126 downloads )
- Questions for Bible-Christians (that they can’t answer) (25844 downloads )
- Resurrection Appearances of Jesus (2350 downloads )
- Romans: Justified by the Obedience of Faith (8766 downloads )
- Six Biblical Myths Debunked – Updated (2671 downloads )
- Talk Notes: Circumcision & Uncircumcision (3365 downloads )
- Thorn in the Flesh, Paul’s Messenger from Satan (13 downloads )
- Timeline Apostolic Fathers (11544 downloads )
- Timeline of Holy Week (19040 downloads )
- Timeline of Holy Week 2 (13281 downloads )
- Timeline of St. Paul’s Life and Writings (.pdf, Adobe Acrobat) (14540 downloads )
- Timeline of the First Christian Century (.pdf, Adobe Acrobat) (8547 downloads )
- Titus: Organizing the Early Church (7139 downloads )
- Translations of the Bible, Which One Should I Use? (3954 downloads )
- Who Chose Books of the Bible? Are the Books Self-Authenicating? (3395 downloads )
Theology and Apologetics
My Books, Talks & DVDs: Reviews and Defense
- Bereans-Steve Ray, James White and William Putnam (1994 downloads )
- Catholic Legends 1: Steve Responds to James White about UPON THIS ROCK (9330 downloads )
- Catholic Legends 2: I Got Under White’s Skin: 2nd Response about UPON THIS ROCK (5031 downloads )
- Catholic Legends 3 Scott Windsor Confronts White on Steve’s Book UPON THIS ROCK (7145 downloads )
- Catholic Legends 4: Scott Maxwell Rebutts Webster Further on Augustine (6944 downloads )
- Catholic Legends 5: More on roma Locuta Est Debating with White (6684 downloads )
- Chair of Moses: Dave Armstrong Refutes James White and Defends Upon this Rock (8959 downloads )
- Crossing the Tiber 1: Steve Responds to a Review by Fundamentalist Pastor Bayack (11041 downloads )
- Crossing the Tiber 2: Steve Responds to Pastor Bayack Who Strikes Again (4902 downloads )
- Crossing the Tiber 3: Dave Armstrong Refutes Pastor Bayack on Mary, Tradition & Scripture (2257 downloads )
- Crossing the Tiber 4: Armstrong Teaches Bayack on Mary’s Perpetual Virginity and the Protestant Reformers (2081 downloads )
- Crossing the Tiber Review from Tyler TX (3685 downloads )
- Crossing the Tiber: Audio Interview on EWTN (3447 downloads )
- Defending my Article on Israel in National Catholic Register 8/2006 (4517 downloads )
- DVD Lession Plan – Jesus (5107 downloads )
- DVD Lesson Plan – Mary (7042 downloads )
- DVD Lesson Plan – Moses (5659 downloads )
- DVD Lesson Plan – Peter (5543 downloads )
- DVD Lesson Plans – Paul: Contending for the Faith (4503 downloads )
- DVD Study Guide – Abraham (4583 downloads )
- DVD Study Guide – Apostolic Fathers (11467 downloads )
- DVD Study Guide – David and Solomon (9733 downloads )
- DVD Study Guide – Elijah and Elisha (2028 downloads )
- DVD Study Guide – Jesus (7474 downloads )
- DVD Study Guide – Mary (6817 downloads )
- DVD Study Guide – Moses (13081 downloads )
- DVD Study Guide – Paul (spanish) (7832 downloads )
- DVD Study Guide – Peter (5567 downloads )
- DVD Study Guide – St. Paul (8934 downloads )
- Faith Magazine: For Stephen Ray Evangelizing is an Adventure (4144 downloads )
- First Things Magazine Their Dishonest Article & my Responses (5555 downloads )
- Is the Swan’s Song in Tune? Is Luther Quoted Wrongly in Crossing the Tiber? (4697 downloads )
- Jerusalem Panoramic Pictures (3548 downloads )
- Mary, Mother of God: Was she from the Priestly Line? (6469 downloads )
- Night on the Sea of Galilee (2385 downloads )
- Papacy: A Fair Review and My Response to Two Criticisms (2448 downloads )
- Raising Catholic Families (2910 downloads )
- St. John’s Gospel: Audio Interview on EWTN (3496 downloads )
- Steve’s Prepared Conference Talks (3322 downloads )
- Steve’s Retired Bishop’s Endorsement (4645 downloads )
- The Bible and the QurÕan — Steve’s Introduction (6513 downloads )
- Twenty-one Questions to Ask Before Going on Pilgrimage (2769 downloads )
- Upon this Rock Defended Against Mathison in his book The Shape of Sola Scriptura (4694 downloads )
- Upon this Rock: Audio Interview on EWTN (3379 downloads )
- Upon this Rock: Reviewed by Catholics United for the Faith (CUF) (6260 downloads )
- Upon this Rock: Reviewed by National Catholic Register (5283 downloads )
- Webster Stumbles “Upon this Rock” my book on the papacy – here he is soundly refuted (2387 downloads )
- Webster Stumbles Upon this Rock 3: He is Wrong on St. Augustine too (7183 downloads )
- Webster Stumbles Upon this Rock 4: He is Wrong on St. Chrysostom too (5982 downloads )
- Webster Stumbles Upon this Rock: David Palm Responds (4451 downloads )
- Webster: Steve’s 17-part Response to Webster’s (10063 downloads )
- Whelton, Basil & my book Upon this Rock (6760 downloads )
- Whelton, Chrysostom & my book Upon this Rock (5768 downloads )
General Topics
- Annulments (5578 downloads )
- Baptism: Name of Jesus or Trinity? (7484 downloads )
- Birds/Animals Seen at our House (4190 downloads )
- Catholic Church and its 23 Rites (2487 downloads )
- Cross, People at the Foot of the Cross (2426 downloads )
- DeSales Luther & Councils pg. 155 (4369 downloads )
- Encountering Christ in the Holy Land – Steve explains importance of the Holy Land (2576 downloads )
- Filipino People: An Open Letter by Steve Ray (14133 downloads )
- Genuflecting a No-No? (5057 downloads )
- Healthy Foods Chart (5814 downloads )
- Hezbollah’s Tactics — Videos (4242 downloads )
- Humor and Sarcasm in the Bible (3182 downloads )
- Ignatius of Antioch: Excerpts from Upon this Rock (5582 downloads )
- Letter to My Teenage Son (18642 downloads )
- Maria Faustina and the Divine Mercy: Short Biography and History (2581 downloads )
- Maximillian Kolbe the Martyr and Auschwitz (2395 downloads )
- Memories of Al Kresta by Steve Ray (rough draft of NCR article) (193 downloads )
- Niepokalanow, Poland: Saint Maximilian Kolbe’s “City of the Immaculata” (2371 downloads )
- Order Form (4493 downloads )
- Paul’s Road to Damascus (Maps) (2850 downloads )
- People at the Foot of the Cross (450 downloads )
- Roman Martyrs (11363 downloads )
- Rome Advice (3185 downloads )
- Six Rules for Dealing with Non-Catholic Family & Friends (2335 downloads )
- St. Polycarp: His Life & Writings (5151 downloads )
- Star of David (4852 downloads )
- Steve Wood’s Review of Mary Mother of God (2180 downloads )
- Tag Categories for Logos (Verbum) Collections (3661 downloads )
- Tents and Camping in the Bible (3028 downloads )
- The Birds, the Temple and the Pilgrims (401 downloads )
- The Last Nightmare: A Terrifying Story of the End (6920 downloads )
This Post Has 31 Comments
I was excited to find your resources page as I began my second year leading the RCIA program at our parish. Unfortunately, of the four links that I clicked, three of them were bad. I was really looking forward to sharing these with our candidates.
Baptist at the Door: Are you Saved? (Bad link)
Bible’s Canon: Do Protestants or Catholics have the Correct List of Books? (Bad link)
Faith Alone and Abraham: How Was Abraham Saved? (Bad link)
I read your article on “Bible Studies: What About Non-denominational, Ecumenical Bible Studies?”
I was part of a Community Bible Study while living near Dublin, Ireland for 3 years. 9 out of the 10 men involved were Catholic.
It was actually these men’s devotion and knowledge of scriptures that actually peaked my interested and got me on the path to exploring Catholicism! The can work both ways.
My point being — why would you NOT want Catholics involved in evangelical, ecumentical Bible Studies? (BSF, CBS, etc.)? By all means, let their light and devotion and authentic Christianity shine — You might actually end up with more Catholics!
The Footprints of God should be watched in what order?
Steve this is inspiring, Great!!!!
Steve I love listening to you. Your faith and your love to Jesus and His Church are amazing and positively contagious. Have you ever read the The Mystical City of God by Ven. Mary of Agreda? I encourage you to read it!
God bless You !!!
in addition I would like to say that:
as read on the website http://www.themostholyrosary.com/mystical-city-vol-i.pdf
Just returned home from the Holy Land after being with the Footsteps of Paul group. I went to the Upper Room as it is one of my favorite places on earth. I looked for the “eye of the peacock” but couldn’t find it. Could you refresh my memory on the peacock eye and its location???
We certainly enjoyed our time together with you, Janet and “the group” in Greece and Turykey. God’s Abundant Blessings to you and your family.
Dear Mr. Ray,
I have been employeed here at EWTN radio for 10 years. John Martignoni told me to contact you regarding my prison apostolet. I frequent Limestone prison in Huntsville, Alabama. One of the prisoners was just named “Catholic Coordinator” for the prison and admires your work, very much. Like you, he is a convert to the faith and he was wondering if you could suggest any material that would benefit him in teaching the Catholic faith to the inmates. Any thing that you could donate to the prison libary there would be much apprecated by the inmates. My friend did mention “Footprints of God”.
I look forward to meeting you one day.
God bless,
Tom Graye
EWTN Radio
I was listening to EWTN while driving this morning. You were talking to Theresa Tomeo about the 6 things to o when praying for fallen away Catholics. Where can I find these and any other information that will help me ? We have several family members that have left the Church. Thank you and God bless you.
I saw you today on Journey Home and was completely amazed at your knowledge and insight of the catholic religion. I didn`t want the program to end.. I will read your books and any watch any videos I can get. Thank you so much for all you taught me in just AN HOUR. Can wait to learn more about the faith I would die for.
I really enjoyed your interview on the ‘Journy Home’ program today. Is it possible to get a copy of the interview? Thank you and God bless you and your work.
Hi Steve,
I am a cradle Catholic and have been listening to you on Catholic Answers Live for a couple years now.
You have enthused me to increase my knowledge of my faith. Your style, your explanations and your passion for Christ reminds me of the great apostle Paul.
God Bless you and your family,
sincerely, yous in Christ,
Max from -Down here in Durban, South Africa
I was listening to you on Catholic Radio in Phoenix today. What was the bible study you were reccomending.
I recommend http://www.Verbum.com/Steve. Use STEVE as promo code for 15% discount.
Also I write the studies for http://www.CatholicScriptureStudy.com.
Hey Steve….came across this blog….and I find myself perplexed and out of my league. I read Crossing the Tiber, but no longer have my copy… Can you help me reconcile what this blog is saying using the ECFs.
Here is the link. Please peruse it when you have time. I am very interested in your response.
Thanks and God bless.
Wade: These anti-Catholic websites twist the Fathers of the Church like they do the Bible. I would not waste my time reading them. I used to have time to respond in detail to them, especially on the Primacy of Peter in the See of Rome. You can see a lot of my debates here: https://www.catholicconvert.com/resources. Look especially at Steve’s Writings then the sections on My Books and DVDs.
These guys say the Fathers referred to the Eucharist as a symbol. Yes, they did because it IS a symbol. But it is also WHAT it symbolizes. The Fathers of the Church recognized that it is a symbol AND the reality. These anti-Catholics only emphasize the former and ignore the latter.
Read my book Crossing the Tiber again, especially the last section which deals with all this in detail. Don’t be deceived by clever folks who “proof-text” the Fathers for passages that skew the intent of what the Fathers were writing and believing and practicing. The whole Church believed in the Real Presence and still does. The only ones that reject it are a small sliver of the Christian pie — the Evangelicals.
Hi Steve,
I just discovered your website and absolutely love it! I couldn’t get one of your links to work and was wondering if you could fix it? It is “Matthew’s Gospel: Understanding the Tax Collector and his Gospel.” Thank you so much!
STEVE RAY HERE: Great! Glad you are finding it helpful. The Matthew article and link is good – I checked it. It opens in Microsoft word. The link is https://www.catholicconvert.com/documents/001Matthew.doc
Greetings from Lagos, Nigeria. We write to inform you of the Lumen Christi Television Network which is a charitable based non-profit Catholic TV Network established to promote evangelization in Africa and beyond.
We solicit for your support in this regard as it will further encourage our founder who desires to give the best to the Church. We see ourselves as collaborators with yourselves in the work of proclaiming the good news!
As you have extensive experience and coverage in this aspect, we would like to avail ourselves with some of your various educative and faith based works, for the benefit of Christians and non-Christians alike, who have
shown tremendous interest in our TV station towards their spiritual upliftment and conversion to the faith, where applicable to the glory of God. This we hope,will enhance the main aim of winning greater number of souls for Christ
with the aid of mass communication in this part of the world.
To this end we wish to use your programmes on the platform of this new witness to the faith of the Mother Church in Africa aptly named Lumen Christi Television Network towards letting the light of Christ glow further afield.
Please let us know if you have any questions.
Thank you and remain blessed.
Yours faithfully,
Patrick Chukwuma (Senior Production Executive)
Dear Steve
I received a CD from St. Michel’s Church Sharjah UAE. It had many talks you have conducted at various locations. I’m glad to hear all these wonderful talks and your conversion, I could say it is blessing from God to all Catholics.
I start reading our book (the Bible) and learning many things day by day.
while I was reading Mathew’s chapter, 7, 24-27, it tells a story of a miracle that Jesus performed. This miracle is not so popular, but I think it has a great message.
below are my thoughts that come to my mind as an message from this chapter.
a. collecting tax (un ethically) was considered as a sin those day. Fish comes from water and is this a symbol of baptism for forgiveness of sin. as I heard from your CD’s baptism take place where there is water and spirit. you have the fish that comes from water and sprit, I think it is word, that Jesus spoke or Jesus itself was there to give that order to peter.
b. another thought that came to my mind is, that noting comes free. Sacrifice of the fish to get the coin could this be considered as a sin offering.
kindly shed some light to understand this.
May God bless you./Anton
I am a catholic by birth, but it took me 34 years to know real meaning of being a catholic and why Jesus died for us. It made me a better person than I was a month ago,in my habits and the way I see others and the world around me. I learned to look at things with God’s perspective.
I am from India.Thanks Steve.
You are a great speaker and inspiring Catholic Apologist.
May you continue to be a blessing to others.
Gob bless!
I was wondering as to how does our liturgy comes from. I am a Catholic and I am also wondering why do we have only 3 cycles for the readings taken from the lectionary.
Can you help me regarding the same?
Dear Steve,
I love your stuff! I re-watch many of your YouTube talks several times.
In one of your talks you say you have a list of things Jesus says we need to do to be saved on your website. Well, I looked but cannot find it. Would you be so kind to point it out to me?
Thanks and God Bless,
Steve Ray here: the list that you were looking for is on page 100 of my book Crossing the Tiber. I don’t think it’s listed anywhere on the Internet.
Can you explain these issue related to prophesy of virgin birth.
Greetings! Just want to Thank Steve and all the pilgrims that were on the trip to Israel a year ago May 2018 for their healing prayers for the me. Although the infiltration of my brain is still present one year later, it has not changed or caused additional symptoms. Praise the Lord! I know that God has plans for me and I am surrendering to whatever that might be. Thanks again for your ministry Steve and Janet. You and your team have my continued prayers.
Lisa Harm
STEVE RAY HERE: Time flies! Thanks for the update and may God continue to bless and heal and restore and use you!
Where do I start with the Bible, I would like to start reading the Bible? Are the Bible studies free or is there books to buy?? Thanks
STEVE ! WOW, just heard you conversion story on EWTN radio 🙂 ~~~ I was born & raised Catholic, attended Catholic school — but like you, my father’s selfless Christian commitment and behavior is what drove me deep into the love and service of The Lord !!!!!!!!!!!!!! ~~~ We were Catholic, yet my father and I would always watch Billy Graham together when I was in my teens ~ Oh, how Billy Graham never pushed a denomination, but always made it clear that you can’t take Jesus as Savior without Jesus as LORD !!!!!!! ~ PAX & AGAPE, Judith
Thank you very much! God bless you, Sir! I watched your videos especially with your Indian people audience. I really appreciate the way you explained your conversion to the Catholic Church with your family. I am also a Roman Catholic member and once I studied theology for priesthood. I am now active in my parish because I did not pursue priesthood. I am now working as a Public School Teacher here in Mindanao, Philippines. I like the way you shared your life. I am also one of the defenders of faith here in our parish. I hope one of these days, God willing, we will meet in person. Thank you and God bless you and your family.
STEVE RAY HERE: Eduardo, nice to hear from you. God bless you for your service to Our Lord and His Church. I have been to Mindinao several times and love the Filipino people. You may appreciate this letter I wrote to you all: https://catholicconvert.com/documents/FilipinoPeople.pdf
Thank you very much, Sir. I will share your letter to my friends.
Blessings in the name of Jesus.
First I want to thank you for the fabulous job you do. Truly, I feel very blessed by what American Catholic apologists do for the vineyard of the Lord.
Going to the intention of my letter. I wanted to kindly ask your permission to translate the material you have from Steve Ray for a Catholic apologetics blog that I have in Spanish. I don't know if you know, but Catholic apologetics in LATAM is just making a comeback, and we are in a very strong cultural and interdenominational battle. Catholic apologetics at a higher level is badly needed, since Protestantism is leading us.
Unlike the United States, we only have a few outdated apologetics books. Thank God I am blessed to read books in English and I am well informed of the most serious objections to Catholicism. My purpose is to share this knowledge with my brothers so that they are edified and educated in our faith.
I would be grateful if they gave me permission, as it would be very helpful for the Latin American brothers.
Pax et bonum.
STEVE RAY HERE: Miguel, it is great news to hear of your work and efforts to explain and defend the Catholic Church. Please feel free to translate and use any of my materials. I only ask you give proper credit with my name and website. Please feel free to use my material freely and God bless you.
STEVE RAY HERE: Thanks so much for the links and for your kind words. God bless you!!
Hi Steve and gang, in one of Steve’s talks, he was describing how the Gospels were written for different audiences, one presented Jesus as the “Ideal Man”, another was for the Jews, etc… can anyone reiterate this or say where it’s written? I need to explain this to someone…
STEVE RAY HERE: I have a talk entitled “Four Gospels: Trusted Treasures” here: https://www.steveraysstore.com/four-gospels-trusted-treasures-cd/
Also this article might be one you remember: https://www.catholicconvert.com/wp-content/uploads/Shepherds-and-Wise-Men.pdf